SPA Ajibade & Co. 2013 Annual Business Luncheon

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In 2008, SPA Ajibade & Co. inaugurated its annual lecture via a Business Luncheon. A reputable Speaker is selected each year to deliver a lecture on a topic and the paper is then discussed by other reputable members of the legal profession. The selected topics are usually of general interest to the legal profession and indeed the wider society.

This year’s luncheon took place on Thursday, 21st November 2013 at the Metropolitan Club, Victoria Island Lagos with The Hon. Mr. Justice Kumai Bayang Akaahs, Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria chairing the occasion. The 2013 SPA Ajibade & Co. Annual Business Luncheon was entitled, “The Future of Legal Practice in Nigeria – Achieving Judicial Excellence“.

The lecture was given by Professor Oba Nsugbe, QC, SAN. In his concluding remarks, Professor Nsugbe said:

“A good lawyer will make timely and economic submissions directed to the point at issue and prepare the case in such a way as to actually assist the judge. Advocacy ought to be brief and attractive and not long winded and overbearing. Written submissions should be as persuasive as oral advocacy and all good lawyers would do well to heed “Sedley’s Law” of case presentation….

In this talk I have sought to underscore the importance of achieving judicial excellence. It is a laudable and essential goal, the consistent attainment of which can only be in the interests of the nation and its citizens. However, its consistent achievement relies upon a great number of disparate factors being brought together at the same time to make a cohesive whole. For this to happen it will mean the Bar working much more closely with the Bench and greater resources being applied to provide the judiciary with the conditions and the tools to perform their important roles at a consistently high standard in an ever changing society.

SPA Ajibade & Co.’s Annual Business Luncheon has continued in an unbroken sequence every year since its inception. Mr. David Stewart delivered the maiden lecture in 2008 whilst Mr. Olurotimi Akeredolu, SAN (then Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association) chaired the occasion. Copies of some of the lectures are available. Please contact us if you are interested in any particular lecture.

The following is a full list of SPA Ajibade & Co. Annual Business Luncheon Themes and Speakers since 2008:

Mr. David Stewart
Managing Partner, Olswang Solicitors
“Globalization and the Challenges of Practicing Law as a Business – A View from the West”

Dr. Tahir Mamman
Director General, Nigerian Law School
“The Globalization of Legal Practice – The Challenges for Legal Education in Nigeria”

Mr. Adeyemi Candide-Johnson,
Managing Partner, Strachan Partners
“Morality, Integrity and Ethnics in the Practice of Law in Nigeria – Myth or Reality?”

Mr. Segun Osuntokun
Partner, Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP
“The Future of Legal Practice in Nigeria – Developing and Deepening Partnerships – An Insider’s view from the Outside”

Fidelis Oditah, QC, SAN
Managing Partner, ODITAH
“The Future of Legal Practice in Nigeria – Specialisation and the Barrister – Solicitor Divide”

Professor Oba Nsugbe, QC, SAN
Head of Chambers, Pomp Court Chambers
“The Future of Legal Practice in Nigeria – Achieving Judicial Excellence”

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