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By Magnus Ejelonu and Tolulope Adeyemi


Navigating Estate Administration in Oyo State: Devolution, Distribution, and the Probate Process

    1. Introduction

      1.1 When a person dies, the question as to what happens to the assets left behind usually arises. This is because the death of an individual is not an instant termination of the legal rights and interests the person possessed in his assets, rather those interests pass on to the deceased’s personal representatives.This is the point at which the devolution process becomes relevant. To avoid chaos, the law makes provisions that aid in determining what happens to the assets of a deceased person.

      1.2 This article explores the devolution and distribution of a deceased’s estatein Oyo State, as well as the procedural steps involved in obtaining a grant of probate and letters of administration.

      For the full article, please click the link.

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